BYC joins Bangsamoro History Month kick-off Ceremony

Cotabato City (March 06, 2023) — The Bangsamoro Youth Commission along with different ministries and offices joined the kick-off ceremony of the Bangsamoro History Month on Monday, March 06, at OCM Quadrangle, Bangsamoro Government Center, Cotabato City.

Bearing the theme, “Enhancing National Unity by Mainstreaming Bangsamoro History”, the month-long celebration aims to commemorate the long history of the Bangsamoro in pursuit of peace and the right to self-determination. It also encourages people to take pride in their history and identity.

The Ministry of Public Order and Safety (MPOS) and the Bangsamoro Commission for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (BCPCH) leads the commemoration of the Bangsamoro History Month.

MPOS Minister Hussien Muñoz underscored the significance of reminding the Bangsamoro people of the events that led to the success of the BARMM government.

“The Bangsamoro History Month is celebrated every March for each significant and historical events that contributed to the force achieving peace and the right to self-determination of the Bangsamoro,” said Minister Muñoz.

“It is imperative for us to observe the unforgettable chapters of the Bangsamoro history including the Bud Dajo Massacre, all-out war, the Jabidah Massacre, among others… These events remind us that by recognizing the true accounts of the past we move forward to a better tomorrow — in peacebuilding, and sustaining the gains of the peace process,” he added.

Meanwhile, BCPCH Chairperson Salem Lingasa, said the glimpse of the Bangsamoro’s tragic past has hugely contributed to the endless pursuit for peace and self-determination in the region.

“The conception of a meaningful and reflective history for our people has been a long-sought dream of our forefathers and the future generations to come. this aspiration has been main-root through the sweat, thirst, and blood of our people,” he said.

“Our identity as Bangsamoro is deeply rooted in our history and culture that has been a testament of both our struggles and aspirations,” he added.

The annual commemoration is in line with Proclamation No. 01, series of 2021, issued by Chief Minister Ahod B. Ebrahim, declaring every March of the year as “Bangsamoro History Month.

Various activities such as Bangsamoro Peace Forum, Tagisan ng Talino, Quiz Bowl, Essay Writing Contest, among others will be conducted. (BYC PR Unit/AAA)

