BYC Chairperson Marjanie Mimbantas Macasalong’s message for ‘Eid al-Adhaa 2023

Audhu billahi minashaytan nir rajim. Bismillahi rahmanir raheem.

Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu!

The principles of faith, obedience, and sacrifice have always played an integral part in our lives. It is what shapes and determines our efforts, regardless of which path we choose to take our journey on.

These concepts have already been profoundly embedded in our lives as Muslims. From the time we gain consciousness of our faith, we are always taught and reminded through the blessed celebration of Eid Al-Adha.

At the heart of this occasion lies the story of Prophet Ibrahim, who received Allah’s command that would challenge the very core of his faith. It was revealed in his dream that he would sacrifice his most beloved son, Ismail, as an act of obedience, and astonishingly, both father and son conformed to fulfill the command, putting their unyielding trust in the Almighty. Before Ibrahim could sacrifice his son, however, Allah provided a lamb to sacrifice instead.

The sacrifice of Ibrahim serves as a timeless example to remind each generation to have unwavering steadfastness, and the utmost value of trust and faith, especially in times of trials and uncertainties.

Moreover, this story teaches the value of selflessness—giving up something valuable for the sake of others—reminding us to extend our hands to those who are in need. Just as Ibrahim sacrificed his son, we are encouraged to make sacrifices and give back our foremost effort, especially in our community, be it through our time, resources, or skills. It is through this act that we find fulfillment of our purpose.  

As we celebrate this occasion, it also marks the culmination of one of the greatest pillars of Islam, the Hajj, or pilgrimage, to the holy land of Makkah.

This act of worship is yet another great reminder of sacrifice. Prophet Ibrahim received a command from the Almighty to leave his wife, Hajar, and their infant son, Ismail, in the barren valley of Makkah. As a test of their faith and trust in Allah’s providence, Prophet Ibrahim willingly complied with the command. Later, Prophet Ibrahim received a divine command to build the Kaaba, the holiest shrine in Islam, in Makkah.

Today, we see billions of Muslims gathered to perform their pilgrimage, which brings together Muslims from different backgrounds, cultures, and nationalities. It promotes a sense of unity and brotherhood, reminding us that we are part of a larger global community. This celebration encourages people to transcend divisions and embrace a spirit of inclusivity.

Let us also not forget to give importance to our family, like Prophet Ibrahim did. Let this occasion be a time to celebrate with our loved ones and the wider community. Let us share meals, exchange heartfelt conversations, and create lasting memories.

As we reflect on the significance of sacrifice during Eid Al-Adha, it is essential to recognize its weighty importance in the context of the Bangsamoro Government’s pursuit of sustainable peace in the region.

The Bangsamoro people, who have endured decades of conflict and strife, understand the true meaning of sacrifice and its role in building a harmonious society.

May this occasion inspire us to uplift ourselves, give importance to the power of unity and brotherhood, and make a positive difference in our community. May this celebration invigorate our commitment to further our efforts in sustaining and continuing the sacrifices of our leaders in pursuit of peace in the region.

Eid Al-Adha Al-Mubaarak! Taqabalallahu Minna Wa Minkum Saalihal A’maal!

