Cotabato City young leaders participate in Gen Z Boot Camp

Young leaders in Cotabato City participated in the Gen Z Boot Camp conducted by Bangsamoro Youth Commission (BYC) in partnership with Cotabato City Youth Development Office and VSO-Philippines on March 4-5, in Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao del Norte.

The two-day activity, which is implemented under the Opportunity 2.0 program, aimed to create spaces to bring youth voices to community issues and build their confidence and awareness of societal issues.

The participants also underwent various indoor and outdoor activities that aimed to enhance their knowledge of Bangsamoro identity, peacebuilding, leadership and faith-based values, among others.

“We hope that through this two-day camp, we will have a deeper understanding of our identity as Bangsamoro and of our roles to contribute in the continuous forging of the Bangsamoro Government,” BYC Commissioner Nasserudin Dunding said.

During the last day of the activity, BYC also turned over seven youth policy recommendations to the Sangguninag Panlungsod of Cotabato City, which were formulated by youth leaders during the Cotabato Youth Leadership Conference held on August 9, 2022.

Under the BAA No. 10, BYC is mandated to “organize trainings, seminars, and workshops that will enhance the skills and leadership potentials of the youth, instilling in them nationalism and patriotism, with particular emphasis on Bangsamoro culture and Islamic values.” (BYC PR Unit/KAA)

