BYC Chairperson Marjanie Mimbantas Macasalong’s message on Ramadhan 2023

Audhu billahi minashaytan nir rajim. Bismillahi rahmanir raheem.

Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu!

The month of Ramadhan holds great importance in the hearts of Muslims across the globe. It is amongst the foremost pillars of Islam and greatest symbols.

It is a time where we put ourselves into devotion towards spiritual reflection, self-restrain, and redemption. We abstain from doing things which are lawful to us, restrain against bad habits and negative influences, while cultivating optimism and self-improvement.

It also a month of strengthening and rekindling ties among Muslims as we work hand in hand in fostering solidarity and a more peaceful sense of community. We encourage compassion and empathy through giving what we have especially to the less fortunate.

On this month, we strive to develop Taqwa or obedience to Allah, as He stated in the Qur’an, “Oh you believe! Fasting is enjoined upon you, as it was enjoined upon those before you, that you become God-fearing.” (2:184).

It is fearing the Almighty through doing desirable acts of worship and railing ourselves from that which is harmful. And following good acts of worship whenever we commit a sin.

Another thing that Ramadhan is teaching us, is the significance of the Qur’an in the lives of Muslims. Qur’an is revealed on this blessed month as a guidance and mercy to the humankind. Allah says in the Qur’an: “Ramadhan is the month in which the Quran was revealed as a guide for humanity with clear proofs of guidance and the standard ˹to distinguish between right and wrong (2:185).

Hence, we have to put forth a greater effort to read, contemplate from the verses, and try as much as possible to embody those sacred words in our daily life.

Most importantly, this month gives us the chance to ask forgiveness to the Almighty and redeem ourselves from the past mistakes we have committed.

This blessed month comes only for while each year, and we extremely blessed that the Almighty has given us the opportunity to be amongst those who witness the greatness of this month.

Let us bear in mind that Ramadhan is the best among other months by which the best of the book was sent through the best of the angels who revealed to best of the humankind—Muhammad PBUH. Hence, let us strive to be amongst the best in doing acts of worship on this month.

As we witness the verge of this blessed month through rejoicing the auspicious occasion of Eidul Fit’r, let us reflect on its lessons and blessings by continuing to embody the values of compassion, forgiveness, generosity, and unity that we have cultivated.

The Commission wholeheartedly extends its deepest greetings and congratulations to its fellow Muslim brothers and sisters across the Bangsamoro region, and the whole Muslim ummah.

May this blessed month enable us to sustain the goodness we have started and eventually contribute in sustaining the peace efforts in our region. May the Almighty accept our good deeds, and witness more Ramadhan in the coming years.

