Call for Research Proposals: Evidence-based policies, programs, and interventions for young Bangsamoro women


Republic Act No. 11054 otherwise known as the Bangsamoro Organic Law states that the Bangsamoro Government shall recognize the vital role of the youth in nation-building, promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, and nationalism, encourage involvement in public and civic affairs, and promote mental and physical fitness through sports. Congruent to this, the Parliament shall create by law a commission on youth affairs and shall define its powers, functions, and composition (RA 11054, Article IX, Section 13). 

On April 14, 2020, the Honorable Chief Minister signed Bangsamoro Act No. 10, which created and established the Bangsamoro Youth Commission. BYC is mandated to be the primary policy-making and coordinating body of the Bangsamoro Government in all matters affecting the youth. Further, the commission ensures compliance therewith by all ministries, agencies, office and other instrumentalities of the Bangsamoro Government that are mandated to implement programs, projects and activities affecting the youth of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region. By age range, the commission covers young people from 15–40-years old.

The institutionalization of the Bangsamoro Youth Commission paved the way for a more inclusive and participative Bangsamoro Government for the young people hence the month of April is considered as the Bangsamoro Youth Commission Month. As of the moment, BYC focuses on realizing the Bangsamoro Youth Transition Priority Agenda (BYTPA) and its recalibrated programs, projects and activities namely, Stakeholders and Partnership Building, Youth Responsive Policy and Program Development, Public Engagement Programs and Monitoring and Evaluation. 


The Ideation Impact Challenge seeks to transform ideas into a creative intervention from which the community would benefit through a set of competitive criteria. Ideation, in a broader sense, is the process of coming up with fresh concepts or ideas, frequently in response to a specific opportunity or challenge. Though it is a crucial aspect of the creative process, ideation is merely the first step towards making a genuine difference in the world. Individuals or teams must be able to effectively convert their ideas into action and implement them if they are to have an influence.

Evaluating an idea’s viability and potential is the first stage in turning ideation into an impact. This entails evaluating the resources needed to realize the idea, such as money, people, and time, as well as any potential risks and difficulties that might appear. This assessment should also take into account the idea’s prospective effects on society as a whole as well as on its immediate advantages.

The Bangsamoro Youth Commission’s Ideation Impact Challenge has been focusing on the economic empowerment of young people in the region for the past three years. There are an increasing number of young entrepreneurs in the area who are having trouble launching their businesses due to a lack of resources, restricted access to credit and financing, and a lack of opportunities for capacity building. These obstacles limit young people’s ability to launch and expand their own businesses, which prevents them from fully participating in the economy. As a result, it lessens the ability of young entrepreneurs to promote growth, employment, and poverty reduction in the Bangsamoro region and to act as “agents of change” in their communities.

This year’s IIC will evolve on the call for research proposals particularly on gender and development lens. 

The objectives for the gender and development related call for research proposal are as follows:

      • To promote gender-sensitive research: The primary objective of the call for research proposal is to promote research that is sensitive to gender issues and addresses the unique challenges faced by women and girls.

      • To generate evidence-based solutions: The call for research proposal aims to generate evidence-based solutions to gender inequalities and promote the development of policies and programs that address these inequalities.

      • To encourage interdisciplinary research: The call for research proposal encourages interdisciplinary research by inviting researchers from different fields to collaborate on a common research goal and explore the intersections between gender and other social, economic, and cultural factors.

      • To promote capacity building: The call for research proposal aims to promote capacity building by supporting research that engages with and empowers women and girls, and promotes their participation in decision-making processes.

      • To promote knowledge sharing: The call for research proposal aims to promote knowledge sharing by disseminating research findings to relevant stakeholders, including policymakers, civil society organizations, and the public.

      • To foster collaboration and networking: The call for research proposal provides an opportunity for researchers to collaborate and network with each other, which can lead to future partnerships and research projects that promote gender equity and social justice.


    Research Focus

    Through this Call for Proposals, BYC intends to partner with up to four proposals to undertake research to identify and explore the nuanced challenges faced by young women in the Bangsamoro and offer solutions to those challenges. 

    Young women today face a range of challenges in various aspects of their lives. Bangsamoro young women, who are part of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) unique challenges that are influenced by their cultural and regional context. Bangsamoro young women may face pressure to adhere to traditional gender roles and cultural norms that can limit their freedom and opportunities. These norms can restrict their access to education, employment, and decision-making processes.

    Limited access to quality education is a significant challenge for Bangsamoro young women. Factors such as poverty, geographical remoteness, and cultural barriers can contribute to lower enrollment rates, higher dropout rates, and limited educational opportunities, hindering their personal and professional development. Early and forced marriages are also prevalent in some Bangsamoro communities. Young women may be compelled to marry at a young age, which disrupts their education, limits their opportunities, and increases their vulnerability to health issues and domestic violence.

    Economic opportunities in the Bangsamoro region can be scarce, particularly for young women. Traditional gender roles and cultural norms can restrict their access to employment, entrepreneurship, and financial independence, limiting their economic empowerment.

    The Bangsamoro region has experienced a long history of armed conflict and displacement. Bangsamoro young women may face the impacts of conflict, including displacement, loss of livelihoods, trauma, and limited access to basic services such as healthcare and education. In areas affected by conflict, Bangsamoro young women may face security concerns and risks, including violence, harassment, and abduction. These security challenges can affect their mobility, well-being, and sense of safety.

    Limited access to quality healthcare services is also a challenge in some Bangsamoro communities. Young women may face barriers in accessing reproductive health services, maternal care, and information about sexual and reproductive health, leading to higher risks for health complications. Congruently, Bangsamoro young women may encounter obstacles when it comes to political participation and leadership. Cultural and societal barriers, as well as traditional power structures, can limit their representation and influence in decision-making processes. Bangsamoro young women who belong to other marginalized groups, such as those from low-income backgrounds, indigenous communities, or different sexual orientations, may face compounded challenges due to intersecting identities and multiple forms of discrimination.

    Efforts are being made to address these challenges and empower Bangsamoro young women. Initiatives include promoting inclusive education, providing skills training and livelihood opportunities, advocating for women’s rights, enhancing healthcare services, and fostering an enabling environment for their active participation in social, political, and economic spheres.

    This Call for Research Proposals aims to uncover the interconnected issues, concerns and challenges which are stumbling blocks for women empowerment in communities. Ultimately, the research should explore the enabling environment and initiatives in promoting inclusive education, providing skills training and livelihood opportunities, advocating for women’s rights, enhancing healthcare services, and fostering an enabling environment for their active participation in social, political, and economic spheres. 

    Potential Research Topics

    When applicants are preparing their proposal, some potential thematic areas for research consideration include the following. Please note that these topics are for inspiration only and alternatives are strongly encouraged:

        • Financial resilience of women-owned enterprise in the face of business interruption (e.g. due to COVID-19, climate-change induced disasters, etc.)

        • Sexism and gender discrimination

        • Family Issues because of Gender

        • Role of young women in the development of the BARMM/Local economy

        • The effect of school dress code on young women’s self-esteem

        • The Causes for Gender-Based Violence in Different Communities

        • Analyzing The Patriarchal Attitudes and Stereotypes in Family Relationships

      Example Research Questions (tentative examples):

          • What Obstacles make it difficult for girls to acquire quality education?

          • What are the challenges that hinders women in accessing social services (ex. livelihood opportunities) in the government? 


        Applicants are encouraged to use innovative approaches to data gathering. BYC encourages a human centric approach and welcomes applicants to devise innovative local partnerships, strategies and alternative data collection approaches to gain granular demand-side insights from women and girls and validate these findings.

        It is important for applicants to consider cost effective, timely/quick, yet robust methodologies for data collection. Some such data collection methodologies could include, but are not limited to:

        When conducting research on young women, there are various data collection methodologies you can employ depending on the nature of your study and research questions. Here are some common data collection methods used in research:

        Surveys and Questionnaires: Surveys and questionnaires are effective in gathering quantitative data from a large sample of young women. These can be administered in person, through mail, or online. You can design structured surveys with closed-ended questions or use open-ended questions for more qualitative insights.

        Interviews: Conducting interviews allows for in-depth exploration of topics and the collection of rich qualitative data. You can choose between structured, semi-structured, or unstructured interviews, depending on your research objectives. Interviews can be conducted face-to-face, via phone, or online.

        Focus Groups: Focus groups involve bringing together a small group of young women to discuss specific topics. It allows for the exploration of shared experiences, attitudes, and perspectives. A skilled facilitator guides the discussion while encouraging participants to express their thoughts and opinions.

        Observations: Observational methods involve systematically observing young women in their natural environments, such as schools, communities, or events. This approach can provide valuable insights into behavior, interactions, and contextual factors influencing young women’s experiences.

        Secondary Data Analysis: In some cases, researchers may use existing datasets that include information relevant to their research on young women. These datasets can come from government agencies, research institutions, or other sources. Analyzing secondary data can be a cost-effective approach, but it is important to ensure the data is applicable to your research questions.

        Online Ethnography: With the prevalence of social media and online communities, researchers can conduct online ethnography to study young women’s behaviors, interactions, and experiences in virtual spaces. This method involves observing and analyzing online discussions, content, and interactions.

        Mixed Methods: Combining multiple data collection methods, such as surveys and interviews, can provide a more comprehensive understanding of young women’s experiences. This approach allows for triangulation of data and the exploration of both quantitative and qualitative aspects.

        When choosing a data collection methodology, consider the nature of your research questions, available resources, ethical considerations, and the preferences and accessibility of your target population of young women.

        As with all research methods there are limitations and considerations to be made. These limitations and considerations must be articulated in the proposal (refer to Proposal Application Template). 

        To apply for this Call for Research Proposals, the research proposed must be new research which will be undertaken or research which is currently underway. Past research can be used as desk review materials; however, the funding provided by BYC must be used for new or ongoing research aligned with the BYC’s research focus stated above. If the proposal is for research currently underway, a justification must be given as to why additional funding is required and a description of the additionality the funding will offer to the research outcome.


        The research outcome aims to inform policy and practice by providing evidence-based insights and recommendations. This includes identifying best practices, evaluating the effectiveness of existing interventions for young women, and generating new knowledge that can guide the development of gender-responsive policies and programs.

        The research study produced will be published under BYC copyright and in line with BYC publication guidelines. The data and information of individuals will not be shared publicly and will be anonymized to comply with privacy standards. The research will contribute to the body of literature on barriers women face in accessing governments’ interventions.

        It is expected that the publishable research document be no longer than a maximum of 40 pages in length. After the research is published, additional related activities such as workshop’s, consultations, webinars, etc. may be organized by BYC, in collaboration with the research partner/individual, to further disseminate the research.


        Applicants are encouraged to create innovative partnerships or coalitions to undertake the research. For example innovative partnerships could consist of universities or non-profits, partnered with accredited youth-led and youth-serving organizations. The lead applicant, must fall into one of the following categories:

            • Accredited youth-serving and youth-led organizations 

            • Government entity (universities and colleges)

            • Individual researcher (self-employed or affiliated with the one of the above entities)

          Private sector institutions (private schools) are also encouraged to apply, however must partner with one of the 3 categories of eligible “lead partners” listed above.


          The research must focus on young women in one or several of the following provinces, these include: Maguindanao del Sur, Maguindanao del Norte, Basilan with Lamitan City, Sulu, Taw-tawi, Lanao del Sur, Special Geographic Areas, Cotabato City. No other geographic coverage will be considered for funding.

          Case studies involving best practices and lessons from other areas can also be drawn on as desk research, however the research and data collection must be undertaken in one or several of the 8 areas mentioned.


          Ethical research procedures are critical to ensuring the rights, dignity and anonymity of those who are participating in the research. Furthermore, special precautions and considerations need to be given to vulnerable populations. It is also critical that research subjects are informed of their rights, how the data and any photographs will be used, potential risks, limits of confidentiality, participants right to decline participation and contact persons for questions. The information must be explained in the research subject’s language both in writing and if engaging directly, verbally as well.


          BYC will provide up to Php 200,000.00 in grant funding to each of the four (4) proposals. Grant funds must be used to undertake the research proposed by the institution and/or individual as articulated in their proposal. Financial proposals can include costs such as operational/staff costs, travel, sub grants to partner institutions who are supporting the research process, capacity building/training of researchers, etc. The funds cannot be used to buy infrastructure (such as vehicles)8 or for lending or investment purposes.

          Please note that Php 200,000.00 is the maximum threshold of funding. Proposals will be scored based on value for money and appropriate budgeting standards based on the research objectives. Overbudgeting or inflating costs could result in a reduced evaluation score. Underbudgeting is highly discouraged.  

          Applicants are also encouraged to demonstrate in the budget proposal   their contribution to cost sharing and/or in-kind contributions.

          In addition to funding support, BYC is establishing a Research Technical Advisory Group, which will provide technical advice in research design and peer reviews of the research outputs to further validate and quality assure the final research product.


          It is expected that the research commence on 15 August 2023, with the finalized and approved document submitted to BYC by 15 December 2023 (4 months). This timeline is set in order to allow for the research to be disseminated and appropriately incorporated into the plans, programs, projects and future endeavors of the Commission and other relevant entities.  


          BYC expects to be engaged throughout the research process with mutually agreed dates to check-in, discuss progress and provide support as may be required. Given the short time to complete the research, BYC and its delegated representatives (as appropriate) will monitor progress and request information/updates periodically.

          The grantee is required to undertake ethical research practices. The grantee will be required to share data collected through the initiative, within the scope of privacy requirements (anonymization of data if required) and ethical standards.


          Agreement and Duration  

          The winning applicant is expected to sign a Letter of Agreement (Grant Agreement) with BYC.  The payment schedule will be mutually discussed and agreed upon between the winning applicant and BYC. Clear milestones will be established through the agreement to ensure that the funds are being utilized in line with the objectives of the research proposal. Disbursement of project funds will be aligned to the achievement of the agreed milestones and objectives.


          The deliverables, as well as all related correspondence exchanged by the organization and BYC, shall be written in English.


          Minimum qualification criteria:

              • The lead applicant must fall into one of 4 categories: not-for-profit organization, government entity, accredited youth-led and youth-serving organization, or individual researcher. For not-for-profit organizations, proof of the organization’s not-for-profit status will be required as part of the application process.

              • Partners institutions included in the proposal must submit an intent letter, stating the intent to partner with the lead applicant of this initiative.

              • The research must be undertaken in one or several of the following areas: Maguindanao del Sur, Maguindanao del Norte, Basilan with Lamitan City, Sulu, Taw-tawi, Lanao del Sur, Special Geographic Areas, Cotabato City.

              • The research proposal topic should explore       the nuanced challenges faced by young women in the Bangsamoro and offer solutions to those challenges. 

              • The ultimate end goal of applied research on gender and development is to achieve sustainable and transformative change in gender relations and promote gender equity.

              • The entity or individual researcher must have proven research experience, this can include big data, focus group, survey, key informant interviews, etc. Desk research, in which no further data gathering was undertaken, will not be considered as adequate expertise.

            Other requirements and qualifications: 

                • The research proposal must be clearly presented and with sound research methodology, including limitations of the research.

                • Samples of previous research undertaken by yourself or your organization, on similar topics or using similar research methodologies.

                • A clear research plan/timeline which meets the timeline requirements set out in Section 4. This includes confirmed human resources to cover all planned/required activities.

              Structure of the proposal

                  • Please refer to the BYC website for all of the proposal materials. We ask that you download the Proposal Application Form and Budget Proposal, and ensure that the proposal is filled out using the templates provided. The proposal should be returned by email to: [email protected]. Any proposal received NOT following the proposal template or any alterations to the template will be automatically disqualified.

                  • Additional documents or links to documents may be included at the applicant’s discretion.

                Submission of the proposal 

                    • Applicants who have any questions regarding the Call for Research Proposals should submit their questions by email to: [email protected].

                    • To submit the final proposal, please send it by email to [email protected] with the subject line: BYC-RESEARCH CHALLENGE

                    • The deadline to submit the proposal is 31 July 2023, 05:00PM. Proposals received after this date will be automatically eliminated. Please ensure your submission is no larger than 10 MB.

                  Evaluation Process

                  The decision will follow the following timeline and process:

                      • Only proposals received by 31 July 2023, 05:00PM shall be reviewed and shortlisted.

                      • Shortlisted proposals will be reviewed through an independent Review Committee. All committee members will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement and all proposal information will be strictly confidential.

                      • Selected proposals will be informed, and administrative partnership/contracting measures will be undertaken by BYC

                      • The target date for the grant awarding will be 12  August 2023.

                    Evaluation Scoring and Criteria 

                    Proposal Application (including CVs of team): 300 Points

                    Organization and Partner Information Points Obtainable
                    1. Expertise of Organization / Individual  100
                    2. Research Proposal 150
                    3. Research Ethics and Risk Analysis 100
                      Total 300

                      Expertise of Organization / Individual Points Obtainable
                    1.1 Reputation of Organization/Individual and Partners – Credibility / Reliability / Industry Standing         30
                      1.2 General Organizational Capability which is likely to affect implementation
                    Subject matter expertise
                    Expertise and strength of the partners
                    Experience working in the proposed research locations
                    Past experience with similar research methodologies
                    1.3 Relevant expertise of the key team members         20
                      Total        100

                      Research Proposal Points Obtainable
                      2.1 Research Scope Proposed location/country and research target group
                    Research question that the researcher aims to answer
                    Proposed implementation timeline aligned with ESCAP objectives
                    2.2 Background and rational for undertaking the research          25
                      2.3 Research methodology and limitations, human centered design inspired elements of the research, and innovation in data collection methodologies          50
                      Total        150

                      Research Ethics and Risk Analysis Points
                    3.1 Description of the measures to ensure ethical research practices are upheld           50
                    3.2 Risk Analysis           50
                      Total         100

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