BYC Chairperson Marjanie Mimbantas Macasalong’s message for the Youth Empowerment in the SPMS Box Culmination Ceremony

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Greetings to distinguished guests then: dear parents, and most of all, our inspiring ALS completers,

Today is not just a culmination of a program—it is a celebration of resilience, of dreams reignited, and of a future that you are now ready to shape. To the 180 young individuals who have completed the Alternative Learning System, I offer my heartfelt congratulations. You have not only earned a certificate—you have earned hope, opportunity, and a second chance.

As I stand before you today, I am reminded of my own journey. Like many of you, I was once a young man displaced by the violence that had scarred our homeland. Conflict forced me, and many others, to leave our homes and seek safety elsewhere. I had to continue my schooling in a different place—away from the familiar, away from the life I once knew. But it was during that time of uncertainty that I found purpose and strength. The trials we face do not define us; it is how we rise from them that truly shapes who we become.

I tell you this not because my story is extraordinary, but because it is your story too. Each one of you sitting here today has faced challenges that might have seemed impossible to overcome. Yet, here you are—stronger, more determined, and now, equipped with the education and skills that will help you build a better future for yourselves, your families, and our beloved Bangsamoro.

 The Alternative Learning System you have completed is more than just a second chance at education. It is a testament to your determination to succeed despite the odds. And it is a promise—one that you have made to yourselves—that you will not be defined by your circumstances. Instead, you will define your own path.

We all know the challenges that the SPMS Box has endured—conflict, displacement, poverty, and instability. These are not just statistics; they are lived realities. But today, we are proving that the youth of these communities are not victims of their circumstances—they are survivors, they are leaders, and they are changemakers.

The youth have always been at the forefront of our fight for meaningful autonomy and peace in the Bangsamoro. Many of you come from a lineage of struggle—a movement led by young people who believed in a brighter future for our region. It was the youth who ignited the flame of hope, and it is the youth today who continue to carry that torch forward. As the founders of the movement for autonomy, the Bangsamoro youth have shown us that real change begins with young hearts and minds who refuse to accept a life of hardship and inequality.

Today, you stand on the shoulders of those who fought before you, and you are now the builders of our future. The knowledge and skills you have gained are not just for your own benefit—they are tools for rebuilding your communities and reshaping the Bangsamoro region. You are part of something much bigger than yourselves. Your success contributes to the ongoing story of a Bangsamoro that is thriving, peaceful, and united.

To the parents, thank you for being the pillars of support in your children’s lives. Your love and encouragement have kept them strong through the most difficult of times. Today, you too celebrate this achievement, knowing that your sacrifices have borne fruit.

To our esteemed Ministers, Members of Parliament, and leaders present, let us continue to involve the youth in our decision-making processes. Their voices, their ideas, and their energy are vital to shaping a future that is responsive to their needs and aspirations. When we invest in our youth, we invest in the future of the Bangsamoro.

Young leaders, I leave you with this: Your journey does not end here. This is only the beginning. You are now equipped not just with education, but with the courage, determination, and hope to create lasting change. Use the opportunities you have gained, not just for yourselves, but for the betterment of your communities.

Remember that you are not defined by the conflicts of the past, but by the future you are now creating. You are the builders, the leaders, and the changemakers of the Bangsamoro region. Together, let us work towards a future where peace, inclusivity, and progress are not just dreams, but realities.

Shukran and Mabrook once again to all our ALS completers. Wa billahi tawfeeq wal hidayah, Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.

