The Bangsamoro Youth Commission-LDS through its Chairperson MP Marjanie S.M Mimbantas PhD continuously implement various projects for the youth in Marawi City and Lanao Del Sur which started on June 20, 2021.
Among the initiated programs are the Peace and Environmental Camp, Rise Madrasah Program, CVE and Tesda program LDS partner in partnership with the Commission for its training session.
The initiative was primarily conducted in the Municipality of Sultan Dumalondong which followed by the recent visitation in Lumba-Bayabao which the Commission together its partner organization Peace Youth Movement (PYM) conducted a seminar entitled KalumBAYAN: Bagr o Engud with the theme “Strengthening youth participation in building a sustainable and progressive society” on June 24, 2021.
As the initiative continues, a collaborative effort of the Commission along “Atastang-gungan o Kangudaan” conducted a program in the Municipality of Tugaya-LDS entitled:” Empowering Morits for a Peaceful and Thriving Communities.” which initiated by the headed by Pres. Jawadodin Gamor Macmod and Pailig Development represented by Ms. Dayamon Abdul Rahman funded by the European Union in partnership with Czech Republic.
On June 27, 2021 the Commission-LDS together with the Youth of Sawirian Youth of Masiu Organization (SYMO) and Masiu UBJP Youth also conducted the aforementioned seminar KalumBAYAN held at BDA cover court, Sawir, Masiu LDS.
The implementation of the said activity provides five-hour session for each municipality after which, the Commission also provide relief items including 10 kilos of rice and groceries worth of 250 pesos each.This series of effort aim to reach different places in Marawi City along Lanao Del Sur in order to enlighten the youth on the importance of engaging, empowering and strengthening their participation within their communities and in the Bangsamoro Government in its general sense.